Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Alas, An Update.

So, once I became a twitterholic, I kind of abandoned this poor old blog.
While Twitter is great and way more addictive and way more interactive, it obviously has a different purpose than the traditional blog.
In the times when I might have truly benefited form writing and putting my thoughts down on paper, so to speak, I haven't been.
The last few months have been hell. Not because of anyone or any situation in my life, but because of my stupid brain. I've developed something I consider existentialgeneralizedhypochondriaanxiety disorder. Somewhere in that jumble lies the truth, but I don't know which is the most prevalent.
I've been convinced I have heart disease, an imminent heart attack, lung cancer, a brain tumor, a failing kidney, and more. Though logic would dictate I would likely have signs of such problems, the anxiety supersedes all of it when it takes hold. Every muscle spasm, random ache or pain, headache or heart palpitation is amplified and is screaming at me through a megaphone. They all mean imminent death. I've been afraid to be alone because I don't want to die by myself. I've had numerous panic attacks.
On top of all of this, I've started to question the purpose and meaning of life. Life is so incredibly damn short. Unfairly and tragically short. I don't want to poof out of existence so quickly. I don't know where we go after this life, and I don't know whats out there in the universe. What is our purpose here? Why are we cursed with sentience, cursed to know our own lives are fragile and ticking down every second of our existence until we're extinguished?
Despite my fear of all things medical, I made an appointment with a doctor, and am now on some antidepressants/anti anxiety medication that I'm hoping like hell can put my mind at ease to some extent.
Unfortunately, at the Doctor's Office, I had to list my family medical history. My grandfather died of colon cancer, my grandmother of a heart attack. My other grandfather has had several heart attacks, a triple bypass, a defibrillator implanted, several skin cancers. My other grandmother has a thyroid problem and is now going crazy. My mother has high blood pressure and diabetes. In great grandparent and further back land, we have additional heart attacks, leukemia and other cancers, and a host of other diseases that took their lives before reaching any kind of average life expectancy. Despite all of this, at least my father seems to be a fairly healthy person.
This all made me realize the cards are stacked against me, and added to my depression.

Last night, I was thinking in the moments before drifting off to sleep that I want to do whatever I can to try to change my life for the better before I become another story in the family of what ailment killed me too soon. I want to become a healthy person. I want to lose weight. I want to get in shape. I want to exercise every day. I want to eat only healthy foods. I want to do everything possible to live as long as possible so that when the day comes, I can be sure I died of some inevitable genetic flaw or old age, and not because I helped myself and my bad genes into an early grave with the way I lived my life.

Lastnight, I had a strange dream. I dreamt that I lived in a large town square. The buildings were all old and run down, and the sky above was gray. Throughout the course of the dream, I hired crews to come in and remodel and rebuild the square. By the time the dream was over we had made the square look new and wonderful and revitalized and the sky was blue. I think this dream was a nice metaphor for my desire to rebuild the way I live my life.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Since we all agreed to make one to make life easier, here's mine:

Austin Powers Collection - Blu-ray
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - Blu-ray (Avail Dec 16)
Planet Terror - Blu-ray (Avail Dec 16)
Interview With the Vampire - Blu-ray
Signs - Blu-ray

Moshi Voice Activated Alarm Clock
Titanium Spork
Original Ring Thing (size 11)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How Do You Avoid Making Good On Your Promise Of Free Dr. Pepper?

Simple really.

If you're Dr. Pepper, you simply make sure your website cannot handle the traffic and is basically inaccessible during the 24 hour promotion. Pretty clever actually.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fail Blog / Engrish Funny

So I have to share my 2 new favorite sites.

Fail Blog

Engrish Funny

You're welcome.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I Think I Have A Disorder

After my panic attack, or whatever the heck it was, I began doing a lot of reading up on similar and related psychological disorders.
I can say that since the panic attack I have become obsessed with thinking something worse is wrong with me. When I'm distracted on work or talking to someone or watching TV, etc. I feel just fine, but when I'm alone with just myself and my hyperactive mind, I become obsessed with checking my heart rate, checking my pulse, breathing deeply and/or coughing to see if anything feels different, checking my temperature and on and on and on. The process of doing this does cause me to stress out, and my heart rate increases from normal (around 80 to 100) when I start checking all this junk to about 120 (slightly above normal resting). Once the obsessive behavior diminishes and my stress level lowers, it goes back to normal. I have actually made my pectoral muscle quite sore over the last week from constantly feeling my heartbeat.
The thing I realized in finally consciously observing this behavior in myself is that this is not an isolated incident. I have frequently self-diagnosed myself with all kinds of issues and then obsessed over them when they were in fact non existent to begin with based off of a simply muscle ache, an upset stomach, a twitch, and on and on.
I was first thinking generalized anxiety disorder seemed to cover most of my behavior, but I think hypochondriasis seems to be the top contender. I guess it might be a combination of both. Heck, for all I know that self diagnosis could be me doing the same exact thing I was describing above.
I can say however that discovering these patterns and behaviors in myself and reading up on these disorders and reading the symptoms and causes has made me breathe a huge sigh of relief that its something that can actually be identified. Reading about them kind of gave me a light bulb moment about myself.