Next, we filled some silver spray-painted pots with styrofoam and then jabbed bamboo rods into them. Here's Mary jabbing a silver pot right now!
Then, all of the sudden, everyone did different things all at once. You go everyone!
Lexy and her Grandma Jean cut some bamboo poles.
You won't believe what happened next. Haggrid laid in his little cat bed and looked all cute. Also, his sister cat Hermione molested my head and tried to suffocate me and eat my hair. Awww.
This is Mary's new Toyota. Despite what it may tell you, it did not participate in making the topiary balls.
I decided to try some of the new special edition Halo 3 Mountain Dew. Appearently, a lot of people don't like the taste of it. To those haters I say this: Well, if you don't like the flavor combination of pancake batter, Sweet Tarts, frosting, cherry's and Mountain Dew, then of course you won't like it. But who doesnt like that flavor combo?
The grapevine that is twined around the bamboo has to be soaked in water before it can be flexible enough to use. Still, the result did look like a murder scene and made me cry a little, 'til I realized no one died.
Lexy's mom worked on wrapping the grapevine around the bamboo rods.
There was a spider there, but he was pretty shy. I think he said his name was Howie.
Decibell told me: "I R LAZOR CAT. I WILL SHOOTZ U WIF MY LAZOR EYES!" Then she did. I died, but only for a second.
Suddenly, all the topiary ball pots were painted, styrofoamed, bamboo rod jabbed, grapevine wrapped, and put away to be worked on again next weekend. Everyone lived happily ever after.
True Story. I was there.
PS: If you're like me, you love cats and lasers. Please enjoy these SNL digital shorts, Laser Cats and Laser Cats II