So, I spent the better part of this weekend glued to the computer. Bad, I know, but after the Warner news and with CES 2008 firing up, I couldn't help myself. It was like my fix I desperately needed to survive.
Anyway, Michael Bay has been an outspoken proponent of Blu-Ray for quite some time, and he was none to happy when Pay-amount Pictures dropped Blu, as he insisted that it affected the quality of his Transformers release when it had to be fit onto a lower bandwidth/lower capacity HD DVD with no BD option.
This is his latest ranting, and I find it hilarious! Enjoy.
"I know the look, color, and sounds on my own movies better they anyone in the world. I color-time every single image, and am there for every single audio tweak. I see my films in the editing and final process no less then a 100 times. I know ever single nuance. For some dick wads on these posts who think I can't make an informed choice on what format in the end, has the truer results for my own films. Well you where to shove.... My films finished in Blu-Ray are better - more true. Hd is better than DVD, but just not as good as Blu-Ray. So buying a Transformers Hd is still the best you will see this movie as of today. But when Paramount caves for Blu-Ray in the future - This will happen, then you will see Transformers one day finished in Blu-Ray and I will sure be able to tell the difference. Bay"