Monday, September 3, 2007

Carnivorous Plants, Iconic Killers, and the Chili Peppers

So I was at Wal-Mart last night, and I happened upon a fresh batch of baby Venus Fly Traps. You know, at the plant section between the bread section and the seafood section, logically. That's one thing I love about Wal-Mart. You can be in the Mexican food aisle and they'll have an impulse buy display for tampons hanging there between the refried beans and the salsa. Always thinking, they are. Anyway. I picked up one of these baby fly-traps since generally by the time I find them in a store all the little mouths are dead and it just looks like a pile of dead brush in a little pot. I had a Venus Fly Trap once when I was about 9 years old, but my mom accidentally put an end to it's life with some bug spray which killed the flies which were fed to the plant, as best as I can remember.

You know, for being such a macho flesh eating plant, the Venus Fly Trap is quite needy. They require constant but indirect sunlight, a specific humidity and temperature, only rainwater (no tap or even bottled water), a very precise mixture of soils, and a few other less significant things which I didn't care to commit to memory. I thought the whole reason that they evolved the ability to eat living creatures was so they could survive in harsh nutrient depleted conditions. I guess I was wrong. So far, I've fed the little guy 2 spiders. I think I should give him a name. Anybody got any Ideas?

So Ryan and I went to see Rob Zombie's re-imagining of Halloween last night. I quite enjoyed it, but then I'm well known for embracing remakes of movies. Ryan on the other hand is having a more difficult time. Halloween is his all-time favorite horror movie, and he's much more critical of remakes than I. I enjoyed The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dawn of The Dead, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, King Kong, War of The Worlds, and Planet of The Apes remakes better than the originals. One notable exception would be the remake of The Fog, which was in my opinion a steaming pile of dead babies.

I am quite looking forward to JJ Abrams re-imagining of the Star Trek franchise next year with the new movie simply titled Star Trek. While much of the plot is shrouded in mystery, it is known that it will be taking place, at least in part, at a time before the original Enterprise began her 5 year mission with Kirk and friends. Zachary Quinto (Sylar) of Heroes fame is going to be playing young Spock, which I think is awesome. The only bad thing I have to say about this movie is that it is being made by Paramount/Viacom, which as you know are a bunch of sell-out ass-hat dirty rat bastard punk ass whore slut mofo P.O.S. traitor back stabbing sissy man bitches.

Have you ever had a band that you really liked, but you kind of stopped keeping up with them and any of their new stuff? I re-discovered the Red Hot Chili Peppers yesterday quite by accident. I was watching PBS of all channels, and they had a commercial which used their song "Snow (Hey Oh)" which I had actually never heard. It turns out it was from their 2-disc album from last year titled Stadium Arcadium, and I like quite a few songs from it.

Well, that's all for today. See ya!


1 comment:

Zan said...

I love Wal-Mart for their exploratory possibilities as well. You never know what you'll find around the next man-made corner. I also like that there "snow" song.