Friday, November 9, 2007

Mediacom: Not Delivering On The Promise

I have been a customer of Mediacom for several years now, so I think I've earned the right to say that they suck monkey ass. They don't suck monkey ass in a customer-service kind of way, but in the product they offer. I've actually had nothing but good experiences with their customer service, but damn, are they sucking ass with their product.
I, as you know, am a High-Def junkie. When we were getting ready to move, I decided to do a little research on other options besides Mediacom. I looked up Dish Network and DirecTV, and was astonished at the leaps and bounds they had made in their HD programming over the last couple of years. Both offer 70'ish plus channels of high definition programming, with the promise of more on the way. This made my less-than-a-dozen HD channels on Mediacom look downright embarrassing. Not for me, for Mediacom. I gave them a call, and told them I was incredibly dis-satisfied with their HD package, and they gave me a 25% service discount plus free DVR service for a year. Yeah, that's great and all, but it doesn't increase my HD viewing experience. Their explanation was something to do with the bandwidth for delivering HD (yank yank) versus what satellite can do.
Anyway, when we moved to the townhouse, we spoke with some third party for-hire maintenance man who said that they really didn't like us having satellite, and it would only be tolerated if some equipment was already on the premises, which it didn't look like, so I gave good old Mediacom a call and scheduled to have it transferred to the new place.
When the Mediacom guy came to get everything set up at the townhouse, he commented on what a nice job someone did setting the place up for satellite in terms of wiring and even noted there was a DirecTV on the roof already. I was pretty shocked.
Anyway, to make a long story longer, I made an appointment to have a Mid-America Wireless satellite installer come out tomorrow and look at the wiring to see if the place is indeed satellite ready. If it is, I then have to choose between Dish Network and DirecTV. I know some of you have one or the other. Which one should I get?
Either way, Mediacom are shetbags and I can't wait to get rid of them.


Mike1877 said...

WELP! My professional oppinion is DirectTV. And here is why...TIVO!!!!

DirecTV is under new ownership and Tivo is on its way back to being the Mainstream DVR provider for DirecTV. Plus they (the new owners) are not happy about the 40,000 Tivo users leaving DirecTV in favor of Cable a month.

But honestly look at the programming of each if your not biased on which DVR you use. And pick from there. There are programing choices on each one that they other doesn't have. So you will have to just pick what you think you will watch more.

Zan said...

I hope you can work your wiley negotiating skills and get the townhouse people to let you put a satellite up or use one that's already up there. You need more HD, you just do.

Unknown said...

Hi, I have DISH Network as my TV provider and I'm really sorry to hear all the issues you have gone through with MEDIACOM for so long. DISH offers the lowest all-digital prices and not to mention you can subscribe to the NFL Redzone and also the NFL Network. As a DISH employee I can tell you that as a qualified customer you can even get HD Free for Life which saves you $120.00 per year. Go to for more info.