Saturday, December 8, 2007

Vanilla, Ice, Ice Baby

So the forecast for this weekend calls for ice mixed with ice. You know things are going to suck when you watch the evening news and the weather guy says to anticipate widespread and extended power-outages as a result.

I decided to take a bunch of work home with me tonight in case we end up entombed in some kind of ice palace and can't even walk outside come Monday.

Ryan and I are going to stock up on water and non-having-to-be-cooked items tomorrow. I hope it turns out to be nothing, but if it does turn out carppy, below is what it will probably look like:
Speaking of The Day AFter Tomorrow, I have that film on Blu-Ray and have yet to watch it. Maybe I'll give it a spin this weekend so long as I still have electricity. I hear it was a superb transfer onto High-Def.

Stay safe everyone and try not to get ice all up on ya!


1 comment:

Zan said...

I must say the warrensburg road crews did a pretty decent job of de-icing the asphalt (at least it looks like it, I'm not brave enough to do any road testing)

The buildings, sidewalks, railings, and cars do resemble the posted picture though. Have you thought about going into meteorology?