Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh for posts sake.

I really have no agenda in this entry. I just feel obligated to keep the cob webs off my corner of the interwebs.

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, we're learning just how sauna-like our townhouse gets in warm weather. It's especially lovely upstairs, where it's probably a good 15 to 20 degrees more miserable. You don't really care about that I'm sure, but I'm sitting here covered in sweat so I felt the need to bitch about it.

In other news:

LG is having a phone design contest (Link) which ends on April 30th. I have been thinking about what my 'dream phone' would be like, and have finally come up with a cool design idea which I haven't seen on any other commercially available phone. I think I'll call it the "LG Disc" or "LG Orb" or "LG Elipse". That should probably give you some idea of it's aesthetics, but I don't want to give away my design idea completely over the internet. Which name do you guys like best?

I've been itching to get a new camera, and I have had my sights set on the Sony Cybershot DSC-H50 megazoom camera for a while. It's available in May and it is just a step down from DSLR/pro level stuff. Then, I decided I might want to get a Sony Alpha DSLR-A350 which has a whopping 14.2 megapixels. Dell has a bundle which includes 2 lenses with the camera.

Well, today, I saw the coolest frickin' camera I've ever seen. It's called the Casio Exilim Pro EX-F1, and it has features unlike anything else in existence.
Here's a few tidbits: This camera can shoot an astounding 60 full sized images in one second. (JPG or RAW)
Most point and shoots can do maybe 1 pic per second, most DSLR can do 3 or 4 pics per second with the ultra mega top-of-the-line at 10 or so. This thing does 60. *&^%ing 60!
It also can do this cool thing where if you're waiting for some event to happen, you can depress the shutter half way and it's continually recording full sized images to it's buffer in a rolling cycle so that even if you accidentally snap the picture too late (or too soon), it captures the image you wanted anyway. This thing sounds like a machine gun firing when you press down to snap a photo. The dual flashes are sure to induce seizures, too.
Another cool feature is the motion sensor. You can set up a shot, say of a flower or what have you, put the camera in motion sensing mode, and just leave it for however long you want. Say a humming bird swoops in for some sweet flower action and BAM, the cam powers up and starts firing off its machine gun 60 images a second capture. And this is just the still photo aspects.
This thing comes loaded with sweet sweet video features, too.
It can shoot your vanilla SD 30FPS video like most all digital cams, but this thing can also capture 720P and 1080i HD video.
Here's one of my favorite features: High speed video capture. You can record 300FPS, 600FPS, and 1200FPS. (My Sony Handycam has a similar feature, though its probably locked in at 300FPS or less, and the quality is sub-par, and you are limited to like 10 second clips.) While as far as I can tell, your slow-mo vids are only limited by SD card space, there is a trade-off, in that the higher the frame rate, the smaller the resolution of the videos. Heres some samples:




There are some additional trade-off's for incorporating all the fancy new tech as well. The maximum image resolution is 6 mega pixels, which I don't necessarily have a problem with except that its a step down from my 8 mega pixel I have now. Also, to help cut costs, the view screen isn't the most flattering quality (The thing already costs $999). As bad-ass as this mother is, I think I might have to wait until the next iteration of it comes out with a few improvements, and hopefully a slimmer price tag.

Holy crap. It's quarter til' 2 in the morning. I have to go to bed. G'night peeps.

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