Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Holy Ballsack Batman!!

I was thinking my next blog entry would be a continuation of my last one. I was going to whine about how every show I like gets canceled, everything I collect or buy gets discontinued, every menu item at restaurants I like gets eliminated, and since the finale is upon us, every American Idol contestant I actually want to win gets eliminated.
I sat down for the finale tonight, excited because my favorite contestant, David Cook, of Blue Springs, MO. was head to head with Prince Gaspian Squinty Mc Smilesalot (David Archuleta).
Now, no Idol I've actually liked has made even made it into the top 4, so I was terribly excited for David Cook to be in the top 2, but didn't expect it to go any further. Hell hath no fury like teenie boppers, and thats David Archuleta's demographic.

So the final moments of the show tick away, the lights go down, and shit the bed, David Cook wins it! Holy Cockandballs!
For the first time, someone who I've liked and rooted for from the very beginning, AND someone who is a Rocker and not a R&B/Country/Pop artist has WON! (By 12 million votes!!!)
Congratulations David Cook!

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