Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Random Vitriol

My God Mediacom. You've been slowly raising my bill for several months (don't think I haven't noticed) and over the last 2 weeks your internet speed has become something akin to a dirty cat box. What the hell gives? And can I pretty please have more HD channels? I think the extra magical 15 dollars my bill has randomly gone up recently warrant at least that.

I think iTunes gets off on making me feel specialtarded. Would you really think setting it up so music put into a specific folder is automatically added to your iTunes music would be that difficult? Yeah, me either. But, after I spent 15 minutes trying, I gave up and went to File>Add File To Library. I am missing something blatantly obvious, right?

Take this poll.

I have a headache and I'm going to bed. LaAAAaaame.


Zan said...

Oh dear...Tony, can you help him? Tony set mine up and all my music magically shows up on itunes all pretty and simple. Ho-hum. Sucks about your MC bill. We should set them on FIYAH!!

Mike1877 said...

Under your Prefences for Itunes there is an advanced tab. You should be able to change your folder in there.
You're not Itarded, just suffering from an apple deficiency, caused by early onset of Microsoftitis. It is curable only by conversion to Mac.

Mike1877 said...

Resistance is Futile....