Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thinking About Proton Collision Gives Me A Large Hadron

Tony - Yeah, I read that the first test was only protons going one way.

I have been reading people's reactions to the news on's article about the powering up of the collider and how the world didn't end. It's interesting to hear people's intriguing thoughts, and also hear how retarded abstract some people's thinking is on the matter. Here are a few gems:

Most of the technology that we take for granted today is a result of people who have ideals and who are curious about the world around them. Lets not forget that they are responsible for dragging us out from the dark ages and allot of people are still mad about that because they see it as going against the will of god. Like what do they know what is the will of god. From some book written by a bunch of credulous goat herders. We would not be were we are if it were not for these evil scientists and their heretical blasphemous scientific endeavors. With out them there would be no space programs, industrial revolutions much less the military industrial complexes. We would still be burning witches and lamenting over our state of poverty. But hey those were the good ol days of old time religion.

1 comment:

Zan said...

Some of the comments were intriguing. Others...just dumb. I'm excited to see what discoveries will come about as a result of the research. I was pretty pissed off today when I heard on NPR that they were in the middle of building a collider back in 1993 in the US that would have been bigger than the one they just turned on when the government scrapped the project (after spending 2 billion dollars, of course) to save money.