Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lipstick on a Pig

You dumbass, fucking silly Republicans. I have not been as interested and involved in politics as I have been in the last year, so you may need to clue me in here.
Is the whole professional victim thing a usual Republican tactic, or is this their newest trick?
I am referring to 2 news articles which have been making the rounds over the past few days.

Firstly, Obama, speaking about John McCain and his voting the same as Bush 90% of the time made a reference to a phrase we all know and have probably used, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

To which the McSame camp began crying and screaming that this comment was a sexist remark somehow aimed at Sarah Palin. They called is outrageous and unprofessional and are demanding an apology. I don't know about you, but that comment in no way, shape, or form seemed aimed at Sarah Palin, and even if it had been, so what? The phrase is a commonly known and used phrase to symbolize false change, not promote sexism.

It gets better. John McCain back in October of last year used the same phrase in reference to Hillary Clinton's health care policies.

But WAIT. Its gets even BETTER!
Back in March of this year, Sarah Palin was asked what she thought about Hillary suggesting that she may have been treated differently as a female candidate. Here's what she had to say about it.

Oh, really? Mrs. Palin, I suggest you take your own advice and shut up about a comment Barack Obama made which had absolutely nothing to do with you in the first place.
I think this sexism claim by the Republican party is absolutely hilarious, especially when there's the video's of McCain and Palin to counter it plainly available for everyone to see. It seems to be they are trying to lure in undecided women voters who might feel the need to stand up for poor sister Palin, victim of sexism. I hope the women (and men) of this country can see through this ridiculous game the Republicans are playing. They also throw the sexism card out like a safety net any time anyone questions anything about Sarah Palin.

The second bit of Republicrap is involving Oprah.
Yes, she has clearly been a visible supporter of Barack Obama, but he's not been on her show since before announcing his candidacy for president.
Once he made the announcment public, Oprah stated she would not have any candidates or their VP's on her show until after the elections.
Well, because Sarah Palin is a woman, and because Oprah's key demographic is obviously women, a bunch of Republicans think Sarah Palin needs to be on the Oprah Winfrey show. Oprah has reminded everyone that she is not going to have Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, Cindy McCain, or Sarah Palin on the show until after the elections. This has infuriated a section of Republican women and organizations enough to boycott Oprah's show for 'showing favoritism', when she clearly layed down the rules about not having any candidates on her show long before anyone outside of Alaska knew who Sarah Palin was.
They are trying to paint a picture that because she is a Barack Obama supporter, she is unwilling to have Sarah Palin on her show, clearly not paying attention to her rule stated above.

While there are a (very)few issues where I do side with the Republicans, on the vast majority of issues I do agree with the Democrats. I've lately been trying to keep an open mind about both the donkey and the elephant and not be one sided just for the sake of being on a side, but the displays above just make me feel like throwing up in my mouth a little.

1 comment:

Zan said...

I'm thrilled to see you as pissed off as I am about this crap. I heard about the "lipstick on a pig" issue yesterday on the radio and was absolutely infuriated. I have no idea why they are pushing the issue when it's so crystal clear that Obama meant nothing sexist at all with the comment. It's absolutely cracked out.