Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who Are These People?

I saw a video this morning that dissolved a small piece of my pride in being an American.
Before you watch this, keep in mind it's a report filed by Al Jazeera, a Middle Eastern media conglomerate who've had their fair share of controversy, but the people they're talking to are real Americans.

How much of America do you think the people in this video represent? I seriously felt a little ill.
How can this infected festering puss boil of dubmfuckery be fixed?
I'm seriously at a loss as to how you can fix stupidity. And if you can't fix it, how do you ensure that it doesn't get passed on to a new generation?


Mike1877 said...

Unfortunately there is not much you can do. Aside to educate educate and educate. However normally that personality wont listen, and if they do whatever you say gets passed off as propaganda. Which is ironic in its own right since they themselves are not only passing propaganda but they are BELIEVING it.

Whats worse is the idiots in that film are trying to appear educated. But they are showing their own ignorance and unwillingness to learn the truth, just by saying what they said.

I have an idea...Maybe we can pray the stupid away.

Zan said...

Yeah...that's disturbing. I was shocked by the lady that said "the blacks will take over". What about the old ladies taking over? Scary.