In other words, why are they such whiny little bitches? Such professional victims?
Heres some of the things I've read about recently:
Republicans are outraged at the joke from this weekend's Family Guy where Stewie was wearing a Nazi uniform and a McCain pin. The matter is amplified by the fact that it was their 'only fair and balanced news' Fox's network show.
John McCain is outraged that Barack Obama has raised over 600 million in private financing because he says that much money (which Obama earned fair and square after rejecting public financing which McCain took) will inevitably lead to corruption.
The Liberal Elite Media (CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC... everything but Fox News) is out to get them, and they're outraged. They are 'in the tank' for Obama and it's part of a giant conspiracy to elect Obama.
Colin Powell has been transformed from a respected retired official to a 'pathetic worthless horrible man who's only backing Obama because they're both black'.
The entertainment industry is out to get Republicans by all banding behind Barack Obama for some kind of large conspiracy.
Theres way more, but It's all getting mixed up in my head into a giant right wing hairball.
I hope they know they are making themselves look like gigantic crying babies. Ugly babies, too.
If you're ever bored, head on over to and read the comments on one of the several sure-to-be-there anti-Obama headlines. The conspiracy theories and whining is great for a chuckle. ;)
Check out this gem of a comment from "nosocialist" on the article about Obama's record campaign fund raising.
"Obama supporters please take off your blinders and see that we're not upset about the amount of money he raised. Surprised? Yes. The fact is that we know most of Obama's supporters are lower income, lower education level because they're voting for the handouts which leads us to believe that the money is coming from shady sources. That's all. Show us the list of donors is all we're asking. Feel free to keep sending in your $150 dollars, it's your welfare check to spend as you see fit."
Here's another goodie in the same article that has nothing to do with the content of the article, but is just spewing made up crack induced frothing. This one is from 'sausage30a'
Obama’s October Surprise: He is a citizen of Indonesia, and of the Islam Religion. At 10yrs of age, he went to Hawaii, and became a naturalized citizen, and was able to get a US Passport. He was registered under the name of Barry Sotero-Indonesian-Islam Religion/Date of Birth 1961. He attended primary school in Indonesia. One has to be a native born US citizen in order to be president. That’s why Arnold cannot run for President either. Why is the State Dept. not investigating this? Our community will not vote until Obama can produce his authenticated Birth Certificate with a raised seal on it. You can run for the Senate/Congress but not President. He needs to show us who he really is. This might be the “straw that broke the Islam Camel’s back. Why is the media not researching this? Do you want to be the cause of a major hysteria in this World? Katie Couric, Bob Shaeffer, why did you not ask this important Question? Where is Obama’s from? Tell us please. There might be DNA out there to prove he might not be a native born candidate, and possibly a reward for his captor. Was Larry Sinclair, his lover, part of this cover-up plan?
Mixed in between all these right wing circle jerks are more Republicans who have to audacity to say the Democrats are creating a divisive society by their comments and attitude during this election, completely ignoring the raving mad republican shit balls peppering down all around them. Stupid stupid Republican fuckers.
You know what assholes? I like to think I'm an open minded person who tries to see from multiple perspectives, but it's your divisive diarrhea mouthed comments that have divided me off from any desire to seek to understand your positions and ideas. At least for now.
I can safely say that after reading these and hundreds of similarly minded comments, my sticking to the Democratic ticket no matter what for as long as I am a citizen of this country has been galvanized. I wouldn't in a million years want to be on the same side as these paranoid, hate filled, close-minded anal warts.
Yeah, I know. responding in anger to anger and stupidity doesn't solve anything and lowers me to their level and makes me fall for their trap or whatever else other life lesson I can't think of right now, but I'm in an eye for an eye kind of mood right now.
Monday, October 20, 2008
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Yeah, I know Democrats can be just as nasty, but I'm just not seeing very much of it.
The interesting thing I've noticed bumming around the comments section of various news sites is Democrats tend to questions McCain's positions or decisions, while a great number of the Republican comments are much like the ones I posted. I know I'm partisan, but I think others probably see this pattern too.
I'm still getting over the "lipstick on a pig" thing. I'm glad we don't have to deal with this crap again for another 4 years. :)
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