Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vote For That One

My Thoughts on the 'Town Hall' style presidential candidate debate:

Obama spoke in terms and mannerisms which I think resonated more with 'joe six pack', unlike Sarah Palin, who's attempt at speakin' to the average American means droppin' the g's off every word. You betcha!

McCain seemed old (obviously), tired, and angry.

When McCain gave a big smile after cracking one of his lame jokes that no one laughed at, it scared the hell out of me.
I don't know how many times I heard McCain utter "My Friend", but I most certainly am not.

I don't care what context McCain meant it in, but calling Obama "That One" seemed akward and rude.

When McCain told an audience member that he (and many of the viewers) probably never heard of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, I thought that was rude. He acted as if he was assuming regular people had not heard of these companies. I felt talked down to.

There was a point when Obama stood up and started retaliating against some of the McCain mud slinging drivel when Ryan and I both were yelling at him to shut up and sit down. You could see his likability drop on the CNN voter meter thingies at that point. People don't like angriness, which McCain seemed to bring a lot of.

Overall, I think that Obama won the debate, unless you watch Fox News.

1 comment:

Mike1877 said...

Actually I was excited when Obama got up and tried to retaliate. It started to feel like an actual debate. And not just a comment session.