So for all intents and purposes, I consider myself, at least for the time being, a political junkie. The TV is generally always tuned into CNN. I know the Right Wing consider everything other than Fox News evil-corporate-biased-liberal-devil-death-anti-
McCain-hate-media, but I see a lot more republican strategists, independents and non-partisan guests on CNN than I've ever seen on Fox 'News'. I also see CNN calling out Obama on issues just the same as McCain, but I digress.
What I really wanted to talk about was the ignorance of the people attending the Republican campaign trail. I've read and watched numerous reports over the past week of attendees at Sarah Palin rallies yelling gems directed at Barack Obama such as:
"Kill him!"
"Hang Him!"
There was also the largely publicized video clip of a dumb old woman standing up and saying directly to John McCain that she was afraid of Obama because he was 'An Arab'. John respectfully snatched the microphone away and corrected her retardedness, but afterwards some journalists caught up with the woman who said she still believed he was 'An Arab' and he was "A Muslim because his father was a Muslim, so he has some Muslim in him"
Not only does this woman consider 'Muslim' - a religion, and 'Arab' - an ethnicity interchangeable, not only does she still believe these ethnicities/religions are true of Obama after being corrected by McCain himself, but she's mailed out hundreds of letters to people telling them this information, which she says she 'found at the library'.
Just Wow.
Now, I know. Go America. Christian Christian Rah Rah Rah! and all that, but I'm also disturbed by the fact that these psychopaths are automatically associating a religion and a race to evil. I feel really sad for Muslims and especially Arab Muslims living in the United States right now. What ever happened to the melting pot that was America? It seems the oil is having a hard time mixing with the water in this stoup (Thats for you Ryan).
I know that Democrats are seen more as the progressive and forward thinking bunch, and Republicans are seen as a more traditionalists and evangelicals, but what's with these Republicans carrying around so much misinformation and hatred. Is it just built into the Republican base, or is it being helped along by Sarah Palin, and to a degree John McCain's polarizing speeches they've been giving?
To be fair, I have not seen really any footage from a Biden or Obama campaign stop where all the outlandish spectacles of hate for the other party are on display, but is it because there really isn't any laughable insanity on the left side, or is all the media truly left-wing? Anderson Cooper said last night that they'd soon have cameras meandering around some Biden rallies to see if this shiteous behavior exists as prevalently as it does on the McCain campaign, but I'm having my doubts.
My guess would be that the God fearin' folk who are afraid of anything that isn't white, cross wearing and in bed by 9PM are an integral part of the Republican party, and they're simply behaving as they normally do.
One ray of hope is that, at the moment Obama is enjoying a 10 point lead, and the number of registered Democrats in the United States outnumbers Republicans.
Slowly but surely, I think this nation is beginning to open it's minds and it's eyes.
What are your thoughts?
1 comment:
I think one factor is the US' enormous land area. In this country, groups of people can live their entire lives in one area and never encounter anything or anyone different unless they choose to do so. They can even travel pretty far and not run across anything really "different". In smaller countries citizens mix and mingle more, especially since some countries aren't self sustaining and people have go to another country for certain goods and services. We suck. Well, at least some of us do.
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